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XY-6B 岩心钻机 XY-6B岩心钻机是地质找矿、水文水井、煤田地质勘探、石油和天然气勘探开发等领域的深孔钻探设备。该钻机集中了立轴式液压钻机的优点,可进行金刚石小口径钻进,也
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product details
 The XY-6B Core Drill is a deep hole drilling equipment used for exploration within area of geology,hydrological well, coal field ,petroleum and natural gas .As an ideal ideal ideal equipment for deep geologic exploration,this drill concentrates the advantages of vertical hydraulic drill and can be used for small bid caliber drilling,and also straight and inclined hole drilling.
主要特点 Main Features
1. 立轴转速高, 调速范围广。
   The vertical shaft rotates with high speed and is adjustable in wide range.
  The lifting machine is equipped  with water brake,so it can lower the drill steadily and safely.
  The oil-merged damp clutch can startup smoothy and be equipped wilt brake.
  There is a special vale port available for hydraulic control system.It is used to match with pipe screwing machine.
  There is great space for the drill to move backward and forward.convenient to operate around the opening of hole.
  The through hole on vertical shaft is big in diameter,suitable for various requirements in exploration process.
  The whole machine is well desinged weighted and good in disassembling, as well as convenient to move and transport.
1. 钻孔深度Depth Capacity(m)  1500-2000m
2.机下钻杆直径 Dod OD(m)  φ50 φ φ89
3.立轴通径 Main shaft diameter(mm) φ96
4.立轴转速Spindle speed(r/min) 正传Forward80、175、225、260、360、                490、730、1000反转Reverse62、170、
5. 给进油缸上顶力Max.hoisting capacity(KN) 200
6.给进油缸给进力 Feeding force(KN)  150
7.给进油缸行程Feeding storke(mm) 600
8.给进油缸缸径(mm) φ125
9. 卷扬单绳最大提升力Max.single line hoisting capacity(KN) 60
10.卷扬提升速度Lifting speed(m/s) 0.66 、1.44 、1.85、 2.13、           2.96 、4
11.卷筒直径(mm) φ300
12. 钢丝绳直径(mm) φ20
13.容绳量Rope capacity(m) 140
 14.移车油缸行程(mm) 550
15.动力 电动机 electric motor  55KW Y250M-4电动机
16.动力 柴油机 diesel  enging 100HP 4135AG 柴油机
17.齿轮油泵  YBC45/80 、8MPa    45L/min
18. 主机重量  Weight (kg)  3800
19.外形尺寸Dimensions(L*W*H) 3450×1500×2250
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