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XY-8B drilling rig

XY-8 b XY - 8 drill core drill is my company on the basis of increased the turntable, can be used as a traditional vertical drilling machine, and can be used as a rotary drill, achieve multi-usage is widely used in geological, water well, the geology
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product details
   XY - 8 b XY - 8 drill core drill is my company on the basis of increased the turntable, can be used as a traditional vertical drilling machine, and can be used as a rotary drill, achieve multi-usage is widely used in geological, water well, the geology engineering and other industries.
主要特点 Main Features
   The design of power is large, vertical shaft, wheel torque;
 The vertical size is big, double oil cylinder hydraulic feed, long journey;
  Chuck clamping force is big;
  The hoist cross design, convenient rope, lifting force;
  Increase the turntable, and can realize multi-usage.
1.钻孔深度Depth Capacity(m)    1000-3000m
2.机下钻杆直径 Rod OD(mm)  φ50.5 、φ60、φ71、φ73、φ89、φ114、
3.钻孔倾角Angle       90°-80°
4.立轴转速Spindle speed(r/min)  正传Forward 79、137、213、 366、384、604、1024、反转Reverse 51、144。
5.转盘钻速Turntable speed(r/min)  正传Forward 32、56、87、91、150、158、244、421反转Reverse 21、59
6.给进油缸上顶力Max.hoisting capacity(KN)   300
7.给进油缸给进力 Feeding force(KN)   142
8.给进油缸行程Feeding storke(mm) 1000
9.卷扬单绳最大提升力Max.single line hoisting capacity(KN)  130
11.卷扬提升速度Lifting speed(m/s)   0.57--7.58
12.钢丝绳直径(mm) φ21.5
13.容绳量Rope capacity(m)   160
14.移车油缸行程(mm) 690
15.动力 电动机 electric motor  90KW  Y2-280M-4-3B电动机
16.动力 柴油机 diesel  enging 130 W  6BTA5.9--C180 柴油机
17.主机重量  Weight (kg)  9000
18.外形尺寸Dimensions(L×W×H) 4049×1754×2713
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