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XY-8 岩芯钻机 XY-8 岩芯钻机主要用于金属、非金属固体矿床勘探,金刚石小口径钻进,亦可用于大孔径合金钻进。可钻垂直孔和倾斜孔,也可水文、油气田勘探及工程钻孔。 XY - 8 core
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product details
    XY - 8 core drill is mainly used for metal, non-metallic solid in prospecting for mineral deposits, small diameter diamond drilling, drilling can also be used for large aperture alloy. Can be tilted vertical drill hole and the hole, also can hydrology, oil and gas field exploration and drilling engineering.
主要特点 Main Features
    The design of large power, large vertical shaft torque, the automobile gearbox and clutch, use, reliable and low cost.
   The vertical size is big, double oil cylinder hydraulic feed, long trip
   Chuck clamping force is big, rig adopts double composite gear pump oil, saving fuel consumption and improve drilling efficiency
   The hoist cross design, convenient rope, lifting force
 1.钻孔深度Depth Capacity(m)    1000-3000m
 2.机下钻杆直径 Rod OD(mm)  φ50.5 、φ60、φ71、φ89、φ114
 3.钻孔倾角Angle       90°-80°
 4.立轴转速Spindle speed(r/min)  正传Forward 79、137、213、 366、384、604、1024、反转Reverse 51、144。
 5.给进油缸上顶力Max.hoisting capacity(KN)   300
 6.给进油缸给进力 Feeding force(KN)   142
 7.给进油缸行程Feeding storke(mm) 1000
 8.卷扬单绳最大提升力Max.single line hoisting capacity(KN)  130
 9.卷扬提升速度Lifting speed(m/s)   0.57--7.58
 10.钢丝绳直径(mm) φ21.5
 11.容绳量Rope capacity(m)    160
 12.移车油缸行程(mm) 690
 13.动力 电动机 electric motor  90KW  Y2-280M-4-3B电动机
 14.动力 柴油机 diesel  enging 130 W  6BTA5.9--C180 柴油机
 15.主机重量  Weight (kg)  8100
 16.外形尺寸Dimensions(L×W×H) 4049×1754×2593
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